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Product + Packaging Design

Let’s Talk Cards


Legacy Coalition


Kasey McElroy


Visual Content & Communication


Karen Kauffman

Legacy Coalition is a non-profit ministry that equips Christian grandparents to have a greater spiritual impact in their grandchildren’s lives. They offer a variety of resources, including teaching, encouragement, and practical tools. These resources are accessible through the Legacy Coalition online store, where they provide products that help grandparents put their teachings into practice. Our task was to take an existing product, conversation prompt cards for grandparents and grandchildren, and create a cohesive product line, including a holiday edition and a set for discussions with grown-up grandchildren.

Our Process

We began by assessing the current "Let's Talk Cards" to identify strengths and areas for improvement. This led us to establish a visual identity for the Let's Talk product line, including a new logo, custom icons, and an updated color palette. Since the cards would be used by both grandparents and grandchildren, we ensured they were easy to read and enjoyable to use. We redesigned the original set and created the Holiday Edition and Grown-Up Grandchildren Edition to complete the product line.


Our redesign allowed the client to produce the “Let’s Talk Cards” sets at a lower cost while significantly improving product quality. DPK's design improvements, print quality, and retail pricing strategy increased the perceived value of the Let's Talk product line, resulting in a 59% higher return on investment for our client.

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